The fourth installment of the modern-day dinosaur series, Jurassic World, is set to hit theaters in 2015. JoBlo has leaked details of the plot, which sounds just a bit like a SyFy film. Jurassic World is a fully-developed (and popular) theme park, with plenty of dinosaurs, plus even an experimental genetically-modified combination T-Rex, raptor, snake, and cuttlefish. And if you’ve seen any of the Jurassic Park movies, you know it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.
According to our source, there will be lots of Dino on Dino fighting, as some of the Dinos are "good guys" that are trained by Chris Pratt's character. The raptors and T-Rex are among the "trained" good dinosaurs. The big bad dinosaur has instant camouflage abilities, like the cuttlefish, so he blends into the background, is smart like the velociraptor, uses his jaw like a snake, and can terrorize like the T-Rex. Does this mean the new dino will be the ONLY "bad" one? Or will there be more than one? Unconfirmed, but it will be the catalyst that kicks off the peril.
You see what I mean about it sounding like a SyFy movie? And how does one train dinosaurs to be “good”? Read more about the upcoming sequel at JoBlo. -via Gamma Squad
I prefer the books; Mother Nature doesn't get fooled fooled in them.