Archive for May 21st, 2014

Godzilla and the Most Outrageous Lie Witness News Ever

[](Video Link)Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has a recurring feature that he calls “Lie Witness News.” He sends a camera crew around town, asking people for...

Photo Series Reveals NYC's Forgotten Island

(Boilerplant from Morgue Roof, Image Via Christopher Payne)(Tuberculosis Pavilion Lobby, Image Via Christopher Payne)It’s crazy to think that, with all those people crawling all over New York’s densely popula...

Things We Do at Weddings That Would Be Really Creepy if We Did Them Anywhere Else

[](Video Link)In the appropriate context, throwing rice around, swearing lifelong attachment, and dressing in a tuxedo is completely normal. But this BuzzFeed employee doesn't un...

The Best Illusion of the Year Contest

The Best illusion of the Year Contest announced its winners this past weekend in a ceremony at St. Pete Beach, Florida. The winners are:1st prize The Dynamic EbbinghausChristopher Blair,...

The Ten Most Bizarre Ideas For Using Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons were invented with one clear purpose in mind- wiping out the enemy. Since their creation, nukes have been used primarily in clandestine tests, and as a way for nations with nukes to flex their militaristi...

Avengermon! - Super Powered Pocket Monsters

Avengermon! by Punksthetic and Moysche DesignWhen Fury had caught 'em all he discovered that each one had a unique power that would help him shield the world from the fire breathing heads of hydra, so he trained...

Michael Jackson Impression Wins Talent Show

[] (YouTube link)A talent show at Pitman High School in Turlock, California, brought out many students who gave their best shot with enthusiasm. Then they were eclipsed by a young man who chann...

This Kayak Is Literally Made of an Office

You're trapped in a cubicle. You move papers. You move numbers. Click. Click. Click.This is your life now.Do you want to break free? Do you want to get out of the office and into the wild? That's what Instructables membe...

Steven Tyler Joins Buskers in Lithuania Performing an Aerosmith Song, Then Suddenly Meets the President

[](Video Link) The American rock band Aerosmith recently visited Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, to give a concert. Lead singer Steven Tyler ran across buskers in the street...

Happy The Happy Meal's Dark Past

Now that McDonalds has introduced us to their newest appetite suppressant marketing campaign mascot Happy the anthropomorphic Happy Meal the interwebs have responded in turn by revealing Happy’s sordid past.This ey...

Mama Bear Takes Charge

[] (YouTube link)Ricky Forbes pulled over on the highway through Kootenay National Park in British Columbia when they saw a baby bear on the side of the road. They did not know that mama bear w...

Box of Infinity

Flickr user Ron Brinkmann built a cube using six square mirrors with the reflective sides facing inward. To capture the view inside the cube, he placed a camera inside with its timer set to shoot. The re...

47 Charming Facts About Children's Books

[] (YouTube link)These facts about children’s books are not all fairy tales. They are about your favorites: Charlotte’s Web, Bridge to Terabithia, Where the Wild Things Are, Goo...

After a Year of Penny-Rounding, This Man is 89 Cents Richer

(Photo: Sophie Tremblay/CBC)A penny can cost more to produce than it's worth, which is why Canada eliminated it in 2013. The Royal Canadian Mint stopped issuing them on Feb. 4, 2013. Since that time, Canadians have been...

Details from the Leaked Plot for Jurassic World

The fourth installment of the modern-day dinosaur series, Jurassic World, is set to hit theaters in 2015. JoBlo has leaked details of the plot, which sounds just a bit like a SyFy film. Jurassic World i...

Kid Opens A No-Kill Animal Shelter In His Garage

Kids are taught about wildlife conservation, and how to care for pets, at an early age, but one kid in particular took this SPCA mentality to the limit- by opening a shelter in his garage.His name is Ken, and his family&...

Vigo Babysitting Service - Scare Your Children Into Silence

Vigo Babysitting Service by Medusa DollmakerAre you tired of your little one keeping you up at night? Looking for a way to bust your child's bad behavior? Then give Vigo's babysitting service a call, we're here twenty f...

The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever

Have you been asked to provide a commencement speech for your local high school or college? If so, you probably need some inspiration. If not, you still need some inspiration, because we all do. NPR has collected...

Stop Body Shaming Godzilla!

Real monsters have curves. And scales. And can breathe fire.But not everyone agrees. Some people really do think that those photoshopped Mothras and Gameras are what ever creature needs to look like. Even our ow...

John Oliver Celebrates A Decade Of Marriage Equality - Nintendo Style

(Video Link)On a recent episode of John Oliver's new weekly news show Last Week Tonight  he celebrated a decade of legal same sex marriage, and revealed the controversy surrounding a new Nintend...

31 Graduation Caps That Absolutely Nailed It

(Image credit: bruna_deituoi_s0gni)It’s a tradition at some colleges to decorate the top of your mortarboard for graduation (other schools forbid it). The designs range from pop culture icons to family tributes to...

The Cutest GoPro Ad Ever

(Video Link)We’ve seen GoPro footage from all kinds of extreme sports, and simple activities like hula hooping and jumping rope, but nothing will make you feel like a kid again quite like watching Gopro f...

World's Oldest Cat Eats Fish and Chips, KFC

Is fast food the secret to longevity, or is it just a reward for reaching it? The Guinness Book of World Records has recognized a new feline as the world’s oldest cat. Poppy, who belongs to Jacqui...

The Little Mermaid, Except with a Shark

[](Video Link)You might think that the shark has everything that he could possibly want. He can eat anything under the sea, but he wants to be a part of your world. And to eat...

The Perfect Dish Rack For Drying Out Wet Godzilla Toys

The Manhattan skyline is the most famous and most beautiful cityscapes in the world, but who knew it was also great for organizing your desk items and for drying dishes? Designer Luca Nichetto's Inception dish...

12 Cool My Little Pony Clocks

This Pinkie Pie clock by DeviantART member madcomputerscientist reminds us of something important: now is always the right time to post ponies. That is why, today, we look at inventive time...

Metal in the Microwave Explodes—Or Does It?

We all learned early on not to put metal in the microwave. How dangerous is it, really? The answer is a confusing “it depends.”Well, at a microscopic level most metals are lattice arrangements of atoms with a...

Where The Halflings Are - Let The Wild Foot Shaving Rumpus Begin!

Where The Halflings Are by djkopetHalflings may look rather wild to the unfamiliar eye, but to people who know them not as those things with the hairy feet but rather as the faithful companions, brave adventurers and un...

Giant Cathedral Ring Discreetly Accentuates Your Sense of Fashion

Why be subtle? You’re awesome and you know it. Let everyone else know it, too. Etsy seller Metal Couture Jewelry makes unique pieces of jewelry. This enormous ring topped by a crystal says to people around you, &l...

An Honest Trailer for The X-Men Trilogy

[] (YouTube link)In the latest of the Honest Trailer series, Screen Junkies gives us a run-down of what we all need to know about the X-Men movies. This look back at the first three fi...


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