No, we're not talking about your ex or your inlaws. We're talking real pigs, here! This pig, Phoebe, is just one of many in the care of Lt. Colonel Frank Dunaway and his wife Tiffney Stiles-Dunaway of Tampa, Florida. With this video, they illustrate the power of a pig's sniffer when it comes to food. Apparently, Phoebe isn't averse to being awakened from piggy-in-a-blanket dreamland if there are cookies involved!
The Dunaways run a rescue organization for pigs named after their two pet pot-bellied pigs Prissy and Bomber. Frank and Tiffney founded the rescue organization when they realized how many pigs are bought as pets by people who initially want a cute piglet but later don't want to make a commitment to the mature pig and its twenty-year lifespan. The Dunaways currently care for 300 lucky pigs who were formerly unwanted, abandoned or neglected. Via Viral Viral Videos.
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