BANANANA MINI! by Coinbox Tees
The criminal mastermind's strange little minions like to watch TV all day long, and one of their favorite TV shows stars a dude wearing a bat suit, and his sidekick who is named after a bird. The mastermind's minions also enjoy playing dressup, which means they should really be better at their jobs, but since they spend so much time playing superhero there is little time left for hatching schemes of world domination. But hey, at least they're cute!
You don't have to be a minion to enjoy a bit of cosplay, but when you're not wearing your costume you should throw on this BANANANA MINI! t-shirt by Coinbox Tees and keep the love of cosplay alive!
Visit Coinbox Tees' official Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr (he's everywhere!), then head on over to his NeatoShop for more epic designs:
It Only Gets Worse From Here On In! | Nesting Evolution | Yin Yang Tommy | Mega Fiction |
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