Celebrating 40 Years of the Rubik’s Cube

Today, Google is marking the 40th anniversary of the Rubik’s Cube with an interactive Google Doodle in which you can manipulate a virtual cube. See a video demonstration here. It’s as good a day as any to celebrate the toy, although the exact date of its invention is not recorded anywhere I can find. Erno Rubik developed the gadget in the spring of 1974 to model spatial relationships to his students. He was more concerned with the internal mechanism, and did not realize he had invented a puzzle until he tried to restore it to its original configuration himself. The toy was first marketed in 1977 in Hungary, and worldwide in 1980.

(YouTube link)

This video from Matt Porter and Charlie Hankin at Good Cop Great Cop shows a typical Rubik’s Cube aficionado solving the puzzle. By “typical,” I mean dedicated, not talented. -Thanks, Matt Porter!

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Robot Chicken made a dig at Turbo Teen.
It was disturbing. But it had addressed a thought that I had come up with all those years ago.
I thought Kidd Video was a good show - because we didn't have cable and sometimes that was the only was I saw a popular music video. Or at least a small clip of one.
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I honestly don't remember any of these. Then again, I was in my teens in the 1980s. I was probably listening to the music that was supposed to send us all to hell rather than watching bizarre cartoons.
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