Here’s a skit that takes place in a restaurant in Japan. According to the comments at YouTube, this kind of thing happens all the time. And if you flip the languages, I’m sure it happens all over. The video was produced by Ken Tanaka and friends, who brought us What Kind of Asian Are You? -Thanks, Ken!
Comments (9)
I do not speak any Korean, but when we had an engineer from Korea visit my department, I was asked to 'translate' for him . . . when he was speaking English! My ability to decipher his accented English was called into play as we worked out a collaborative project.
Typically the waitstaff, and everyone else for that matter, were very helpful and accomodating even when we didn't have our Japanese speaking friends with us. After all, it's not too difficult to point at what you what you want politely, nod and say "hi" with a smile.