Ben Affleck Stars In - The Sad Batman Meme

His nickname may be the Dark Knight, but Batman usually has an intense, or angry, or coldly analytical look on his face, but the recently released photo of Ben Affleck in the Batsuit shows an emotional range that makes for a great new meme- Sad Batman.

Maybe he misses J.Lo, maybe he’s upset about the puffy muscle suit he has to wear, or he deeply regrets starring in Daredevil, or maybe he just misses his Matt Damon bromance days.

Whatever the case, when Affleck assumes the role of Batman he brings a newfound sense of depression to the character- which is hilarious!

Eat your hearts out Clooney, Kilmer, Bale and Keaton, there’s a new Batman in town- and he’s gone full blown Emo.

-Via Kotaku

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