Amazing Photo: A Bat-Eating Spider

(Photo: Martin Nyffeler and Mirjam Knörnschild)

Were you planning on going outside tonight? Well, it doesn't matter. Wherever you are, spiders can get to you. And a whole bat is just an appetizer. Martin Nyffeler of Basel University and Mirjam Knörnschild of Ulm University published a paper last year titled "Bat Predation by Spiders." That means spiders that eat bats.

They found 52 reports of spiders eating bats across every continent except Antarctica.* Many of the attacks were by giant golden orb silk-weavers (Nephilidae), who presumably accept bat flesh when human is not easily attainable. You can see more photos of them here.

-via Dave Barry

*So go to Antarctica to be safe.

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I'm having a hard one with this question. Ethically, it's disgusting but I'm not sure the govt. should interfere with 2 consenting adults pigs.

I find the Woody Allen offense a lot more disturbing than this but maybe that's because we know more of the story.
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I would suggest that since he is only 7 years older than she, and she was 16 at the time he married her mother (he was 23, and what was the mother thinking?) he was never really a father-figure to her. If not, and probably not, a controlling/guiding/authoritative figure in her life, they should not be charged, since he was not a father to her. Had he been 17 years older, and may have been a father-figure to her, that would be different. That would be my view on the legal situation.
Having sex with your wife's daughter, your step-daughter, just isn't right, whatever the age or relationship. Even if no parental/authoritative relationship really exists, he was still probably taking advantage of his step-daughter.
Over all, leave them alone to seek therapy as needed for their own situations.
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In a perfect justice system, this would be decided on a case-by-case basis. But you and I both know that such discretion is what got these two charged in the first place. They happened to be arrested by a police department who adheres to the letter instead of the spirit of the law. WHO makes the call is often more important than the facts of the case.
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