Andy Martin, the guy who designed his own system of planets, has a new project: Plasticine Rhythm. These experimental animations combine abstract movement and music in a delightful way. He explains:
I have always been interested in the way visuals can effect sound and how visual loops can be brought together to create a piece of music. This is how I produced Plasticine Rhythm; allowing each stop motion loop, made using Vine, to dictate a sound and combining these sound loops on screen to build a compatible interplay of rhythm and melody. Once this was established I then played with all the elements, including the background colour and the mini TVs containing the loops, so every element was intrinsically linked with the music.
The various videos related to the project, such as the behind-the-scenes footage and a stop-motion animation workshop, are at the Plasticine Rhythm vimeo channel. -Thanks, Andy!
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