Glow sticks and furry boots weren’t generally considered an integral part of raves in the early 90s, but by the late 90s raves had become a dayglo nightmare full of drug addled lunacy and half naked people, and the dancing was replaced by heavy petting and selfies.
Enter the newest rave inspired sensation coming straight out of Williamsburg- an early morning drug free rave. Part dance party, part aerobics, all high energy without the high. It's called Morning Gloryville, and once a month it's the place to be if you want to dance your cares, and your fat, away.
To some this may seem like a ridiculous trend, but to those who don’t like gyms when they want to sweat, or clubs when they want to get down, these sober raves are a great alternative to traditional cardio workouts.
-Via Gothamist