Political Pundits Wreck TV Studio On Air

(YouTube link)

A Jordanian talk show featured political journalists Muhammad Sharif al-Jiyusi  (on the left) and Shakir al-Johari (right) discussing the media coverage of the Arab Spring protests. Then things got weird. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

One pundit accuses the other of "bartering his positions", prompting the offended journalist to say "shut up", in a video posted on the website of pan-Arab Al-Arabiya TV. The men quickly start pushing the studio table at each other until the top comes off, while a hapless TV host looks on. In the subsequent table-top tug-of-war, nobody seems to score a decisive victory.

Later, al-Jiyusi says on his Facebook page he felt insulted by the way he had been called a supporter of Syria's ruling Baath party. It was "as if being a Baathist is a punishable charge, or an affront". Al-Jiyusi says he told the other pundit he is "honoured to be a Baathist" and is a correspondent for the Syrian state news agency Sana and of the al-Baath newspaper.

Now if American political talk shows were anywhere near this exciting, the ratings would go through the roof. -via Arbroath

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