Archive for May 3rd, 2014

The Most Inexplicable Mashup Ever

[] (YouTube link)Could you possibly think of more odd pairing for a video mashup than Batman and the worst movie ever made, The Room? Patrick Willems wondered what the result would be...

A Close-Up Look at the Terrifying Mouth of a Blood Worm

[](Video Link)Don't stand too close to the blood worm. It'll shoot its mouth out at you and grab you with its teeth. And the blood worm (Glycera dibranchiata) is venomo...

Aurora Dog Over Alaska

It’s neat to see familiar shapes in the clouds, but how awesome would it be to witness a dog in the Aurora Borealis? Astrophotographer John Chumack caught this picture near Fairbanks, Alaska, last month. The leapin...

How to Get an Egg inside a Bottle

[](Video Link)It's a classic demonstration of physics and a neat party trick. Dave Hax, a producer of marvelous videos of household hacks, shows how to slip an entire egg inside...

The Deadliest Animal in the World

What is the deadliest animal in the world? Sharks are pretty scary, and snakes even more so. Ask anyone, and they’ll probably tell you that humans are the deadliest animal. Humans do kill a lot of other humans, but...

The Astronaut and the Starship Captain

On the right, you see William Shatner, the actor who played Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek. On the left you see the famous astronaut Chris Hadfield of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Col. Hadfield was recently...

Pulp Simpson - Two Cartoon Men On A Mission...To Get Drunk

Pulp Simpson by StationjackYou know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Springfield? A clown burger with cheese, hold the fried buns. You know what they call a classic work of film fiction starring H...

The Doozers Are Back And Teaching Kids About Engineering

Do you remember the Doozers from Fraggle Rock? They were those little construction working cuties who were always trying to finish building stuff before a hungry Fraggle came along and ate up all their hard work...

The Martino Hamper Is Both a Laundry Basket and a Chair

No, Honey, I didn't forget to do the laundry. I'm just getting comfortable! With Brandon Washington's Martino Hamper, delaying your chores isn't a sign of laziness. It's a constructive process that ends...

R.I.P., Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., an American actor whose work spanned more than 6 decades, died yesterday at the age of 95. Many readers may remember him for his work on the action television shows 77 Suns...

Hoof It

[] (vimeo link)A young man goes on a quest to rescue his family’s missing goat. While on his quest, he meets a sidekick and encounters evil inanimate objects that are magically animated. Do...

Steph Hanlon's Elegant Tattoos

Whether she's using her own designs or taking inspiration from another artist, Steph Hanlon brings precision and vibrant colors to the human body. She works at Apocalypse Tattoo in Seattle. I love the crisp lines and for...

Hollywood History In Lego

(Image credit: Alex Eylar)(Image credit: Alex Eylar)Alex Eylar is one of the many LEGO artists we love -see his previous posts here at Neatorama. One of his favorite projects is recreating movie scenes in LEGO bricks and...

Watch A Full Talking Heads Concert From 1978

(Video Link) (Video Link)The Talking Heads are often best remembered for hit songs like Burning Down The House and Psycho Killer, and that music video where David Byrne wears the suit with the ridiculo...

A Frog in His Throat

Angus James took a picture of a jungle perch he caught in North Queensland, Australia. The fish had apparently already eaten! James sent the picture to Reptiles magazine, and they posted it on Facebook."...

Muscle Dancing

(Video Link)Muscle Dancing is one of those strange videos that makes you wonder why the heck it was ever made, or what the stars were hoping to accomplish, besides driving the ladies wild!Muscle Dancing is a un...

The $2,000 Mint Julep

The Kentucky Derby takes place at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky, today. Although the event is a horse race, it’s not just a horse race. The Derby has quite a few traditions that must be carried o...

The Sistine Sewer - Birth Of A Mutant Masterpiece

The Sistine Sewer by djkopetAfter the battle for the streets was over, and he discovered that being a teenage mutant wasn't so bad after all, he was struck by inspiration and decided to paint an epic mural inspired by t...

A Magical Kingdom Indeed! Disney Tarot Cards

It appears practitioners of the mystical arts are getting started at a rather early age these days, and thanks to accessories like these Disney Tarot cards by DeviantARTist D’Morte, the Arch-Druid of Tinver Moor, t...

Bird Shuffles Off to Daft Punk

[](YouTube link)YouTube member Stegmeier53 stopped his car to take a picture of an American Woodcock and had "Something About Us" by Daft Punk playing on his radio. The bird danced his away acr...

The World's Worst Job: Latrine Odor Judge

(Photo: SuSanA Secretariat)Get to work, graduate student. You want that doctorate, right? Keep at it and you could someday inflict this suffering on someone else.An article by J. Lin et al. in Environmental...

The Mondo 237 Collection

Mondo has announced their new line of clothing called the Mondo 237 Collection, based on the carpet pattern outside room 237 of the Overlook Hotel in the movie The Shining. The orange and magent...

Rejected Characters from the New Star Wars Movie

(The Joy of Tech)You're right, Jar Jar. We need you back, if for no other reason than to kill these other characters.So The Joy of Tech calls these characters rejected? I think that all it has d...

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