You Can See the Eyes of This Transparent Spider Move inside Its Skull

(Video Link)

YouTube user Wayne Maddison identifies this cutie as a yellow amycine jumping spider from Ecuador. I am unable to independently verify that claim, but never mind: look at its eyes! You can see right through its skull at the eyes movin' around!

-via Super Punch

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It is a jumping spider, family Salticidae, and an awesome one at that! Jumping spiders are active hunting predators that don't rely on webs to catch their prey, as such they have outstanding vision. If you've ever looked at one up close you can really see it looking back at you! Those things you see moving in the video are its anterior median eyes (AMEs). The AMEs are like scopes and provide the spider with super fine resolution over a narrow field of view, very useful for ... well, aiming.

Here's a great webpage on the anatomy of jumping spiders
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(Paul Simon)
Allergies to dust and grain
Still these allergies remain
My hand can't touch a guitar string
My fingers just burn and ache
My head intercedes with my bodily needs
And my body won't give it a break
My heart can stand a disaster
My heart can take a disgrace
But my heart is allergic
To the women I love
And it's changing the shape of my face
Something's living on my skin
Doctor please
Doctor please
Open up it's me again
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