Step aside, Boba Fett in a ball gown- Here’s a Death Star in formalwear!
The Badlands Garrison of the 501st Legion Tweeted this picture taken at their booth at the Calgary Expo. It was quite a hit! The maker (and model), Deathstargirl, came to the Badlands Garrison forum to tell us more about the dress.
The outer layer of gray is actually double has about 900 foam tiles on it, 250 LED light, 12ft of EL wire...and I really couldn't guess how much it weighs...but let me tell you takes 9 "D" batteries to power the lights...and I broke 2 plastic hangers to hold it you can imagine how much fun it is to put into the car...
What really impressed me was her Star Destroyer handbag, which she made! See more pictures of the dress at the forum. -via Geeks Are Sexy