This Week at Neatorama

I’ve almost made it through Spring Break, which I dreaded because it’s hard to get work done with bored kids at home. It wasn’t so bad this year, now that one of them is driving, because they really weren’t home much. That was a little jarring. It won’t be long until they’re gone all the time. Tomorrow we have Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week, culminating in Easter Sunday on the 20th. We also have Passover which begins Monday at sundown and lasts for eight days. Have a blessed holiday, whichever you celebrate! And we’ve got a lot of things to fill up your weekend reading here at Neatorama!  

John Farrier brought us 10 Facts You Might Not Know about The Golden Girls.

He also had An Interview with Jean Cotton of Making Faces Pottery.

Eddie Deezen wrote about Curly of the Three Stooges: The Funniest Guy in the World.

We had an excerpt from the new book The Awkward Human Survival Guide.

Fat Chance: The War Between Butter and Margarine was from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader.

Mental_floss magazine contributed What Does "Organic" Mean?

We had a poll asking Who Will Replace Letterman? Your number one choice was Neil Patrick Harris, but the second place finisher, Stephen Colbert, got the job.

The Whodunit from Hy Conrad this week was Who Took the Tip?

In this week’s What Is It? game, the mystery item is a wire fence stretcher. However, we were looking for wrong but funny answers, and we got them! Patrick Scott 1 explained that it is a “Dharma Initiative plot perforator! More holes, more holes!” which is a reference to the TV show Lost. That wins him a t-shirt! Another t-shirt goes to ladybugs, who said it was “Jaws of Life used during medieval times to cut knights out of their armor after a horrendous battle." Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who played, and thanks to the What Is It? blog.

The non-giveaway post with the most comments this week was How Many Bad Movies Have You Seen? That was followed by Who Will Replace Letterman? and Which Classic Movies Have You Seen? I guess asking a question is a good way to get coments -not quite as good as posting something political or giving away a prize, but better than including a typo!

The comment of the week was John Farrier’s idea for the article about The Worst Places To Get Stung By A Bee. Here it is:

Too bad no one has submitted a story so far....

The most popular post was 10 Things You Didn't Know About Shakespeare. Coming in second was Cringe Worthy Instagram Trend - #AfterSex Selfies and in third place was 10 Facts You Might Not Know about The Golden Girls

The post that got the most hearts was This Class Won April Fools Day, with Salut Salon in second place, then The Unsung Hero and Elk Crossing tied for third.

The most-emailed post was 16 Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful People, followed by French Bulldog Puppy Argues About Going to Bed and The Unsung Hero.

Over at Homes and Hues, the most popular post of the week was What Do You Do With Material That is Barely Recyclable? Repurpose It.

I found out something really neat at the NeatoShop Facebook page. The NeatoShop is offering free shipping on orders as low as $19.99 and up! And that means

Be sure to join us every day at the Neatoramanauts Facebook page for extra stuff and fun! Also follow Neatorama on Twitter and Pinterest, too!

Have a great week, everyone!

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Some people have already figured out that we take the number of hearts a comment gets into account. It won't help an entry that isn't funny, but it does let us see what others think.
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