You better believe I've been asked this question a few times, almost always right after someone heard me singing. I knew I wasn't tone deaf because I can play piano and a few other instruments, and I did well in music theory back in school. Still, I took the Tone Deaf Test to make sure, and to see how difficult the test is. If you're not tone deaf, it's easy! Simple, for everyone, really -it only taste a couple of minutes, if even that.
So I'm not tone deaf. What I am is a really, really bad singer. If I ever run across a "can you carry a tune in a bucket" online test, I will try that one, too, in order to bring it to you. But I won't show the results. Take the Tone Deaf Test here. -via Geekosystem
How tone-deaf can people be? I mean, I once tried to listen to a movie using only the right speaker on a set of ear buds, and couldn't tell if the people were speaking English or Japanese, but I can distinguish tones. If someone rates as "tone deaf" on this test, I can't imagine what their aural environment must be like.
This one is working, though:
One of my best friends (with whom I spend a LOT of time) is on the verge of tone deaf AND loves to sing. Now that's a challenge! For friendship's sake, I can sort of tune it out but I've been very thankful for an mp3 player and earphones. I tell myself every time: Happy people sing! ;)