W00t! It's time for another collaboration with the awesome What Is It? Blog. Can you guess what this odd item is? This week, we are looking for funny and clever answers, not the correct one, but if you guess correctly, you'll win our undying respect. If you have one of the two funniest answers, you'll win a T-Shirt from the NeatoShop!
Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, though you can enter as many guesses as you'd like. You have until the answer is revealed on the What Is It? Blog tomorrow.
You must write your prize selection alongside your guess, so visit the NeatoShop and take a look around. If you don't write your prize selection, then you don't get the prize. I think you'll like the selection of funny t-shirts and science t-shirts -or even t-shirts of your favorite blogs and websites.
There's another picture of this unidentified object at the What Is It? Blog, as well as other items to guess about. Good luck!
Update: the mystery item is a wire fence stretcher. However, we were looking for wrong but funny answers, and we got them! Patrick Scott 1 explained that it is a “Dharma Initiative plot perforator! More holes, more holes!” which is a reference to the TV show Lost. That wins him a t-shirt! Another t-shirt goes to ladybugs, who said it was “Jaws of Life used during medieval times to cut knights out of their armor after a horrendous battle." Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who played, and thanks to the What Is It? blog.
Comments (21)
Every back swing produces spin in the sharp, rotating wheel, letting you chop wood with ease !!!
Canned Octopus
Serenity Service manual, lg.
L size please
Daft Yin Yang (large)