Archive for April 7th, 2014

The Grounds for Violence

[] (YouTube link)While here in the South we are seeing some signs of spring, Canada has weeks to go before a normal winter is over, much less this latest “endless winter.” We feel f...

Disney Princesses Playing Dungeons & Dragons

It's a large gaming group. But, thankfully, most of them are paying close attention to the action. And Snow White, an experienced Dungeon Master, knows how to keep everyone interested and focused.Belle, as you might expe...

How To Deal With Missing An Episode of TV

Did you watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones last night? If you had to go fetch your child from Grandma’s, or fell asleep, or for some reason missed it, you may have a hard time avoiding spoilers o...

VHS Tape Pac-Man Coffee Table

Being a movie fanatic, Etsy seller MRQ19 has quite a bit of old VHS tapes - one day, he noticed that white plastic spools at the bottom fo the VHS cassettes look just like the dots in the arcade game Pac-Man. And...

Shakespeare in Three Panels

May Gosling (@GoodTickleBrain on Twitter) is a librarian, cartoonist, and Shakespeare fan. She runs the webcomic Good Tickle-Brain, which is is mostly composed of Shakespearean humor. One section of her site is dedicated...

Emoji-nation: Classic Artwork Meets Modern Social Media Icons

In her artwork series emoji-nation, Natasya Ptichek mashed up classical works of art with modern elements we are familiar with. The Ukrainian artist overlaid Windows-style dialog boxes and social media notifications and...

The Most Insane Truck Ever Built

Bran Ferren has a lifetime of tech behind him. He’s designed stages for rock stars, theme park rides for Disney, and special effects for movies, among other things. He became a father for the first time at the age...

First Judo Match

[] (YouTube link)Two little girls who are barely old enough to walk are competing in their first judo match. They probably see it as the “bow, hug, and fall down” match. They get th...

This Light-Up Cane for the Blind Communicates with Passersby

Shruti Nivas, a product designer in Pune, India, developed this design that she calls "Sign." It's a navigational cane for visually impaired people. It has 2 buttons, one of which has a raised mark so th...

Finn Unchained

Finn Unchained by Alecxps Life, liberty and the pursuit of adventure. Neatoshop artist Alecxps brought us a mash up T-shirt design that is, in one word, mathematical! Visit Alecxps' official Faceb...

Colored Food

Photographer Lawrie Brown presents delicious and wholesome foods with a difference: They are an odd color. In the series Colored Food, you get chicken, ice cream, corn, crackers, cereal, and other dishes. The actual food...

Super Adorable Yet Somehow Creepy - The Baby Avengers

Awww, those widdle Avengers look so cute when they’re babies! Not sure about the baby facial hair though, but I guess when you’re a superhero even your beard grows at an accelerated rate.The stars of this bab...

Things I Would Wish Upon My Enemies

When reading the latest from Doghouse Diaries, I couldn’t help but think of the Little Jimmy Dickens song… May the bird of paradise fly up your nose May an elephant caress you with its toesM...

Forget Cows! Vandals in San Francisco are Smart Car Tipping

Vandals go on Smart car tipping spree.— NBC Los Angeles (@NBCLA) April 7, 2014 You've probably heard of the urban (well, technically, rural) myth of cow-ti...

Animators Collaborate To Create Yellow Sticky Notes: Canadian Anijam

(Video Link)When animators work together they draw together, and when studio employees are working on a project they usually spend their free moments drawing fun stuff, perhaps even getting together and creating an anima...

Whodunit: Who Took the Tip?

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad featuring Jonah Bixby, a twelve-year-old crime solver and son of a police detective. Can you solve the crime?(Image credit: Flickr user Gabe Mulley) It was a warm Saturda...

Robert Downey Jr. Celebrates His Birthday Like A Real Life Superhero

It seems Robert Downey Jr., most recently star of Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes, is out to prove to the world that he’s a real life superhero, at least in terms of bringing a lot of joy and happine...


Donnie Brainard’s 15-year-old daughter India, who has cerebral palsy, underwent surgery for scoliosis and is having a difficult road to recovery. She has been hospitalized for quite some time and hasn’t seen...

This Bike Moves Forward Whether You're Pedaling Forward or Backward

Imgur member punamenon2 modified an ordinary 5-speed bike so that he can keep moving forward, regardless of the direction that he's pedaling. I'm a bit lost on his technical exploration, but thankfully Rich Bremer of Hac...

The Awkward Human Survival Guide

The hardest thing in the world to do is to deal with people. But we all have to do it, because the world is made up of people and relationships and the difficulties they bring. Learning from your mistakes is effective, b...

Jester Night

Jester Night by Nertee Designs Let's put a smile on that face! Cool design, like this one by Nertee Designs, as you know, is a lot like gravity. All it takes is a little push (into the NeatoShop) and you...

Cheap Beer Map of the United States

LiveScience posted an analysis of Twitter data of tweets sent between June 2012 and May 2013 to find out the beer preference of various states. This one above shows what cheap beer is popular in different region...

The Mystery Of The Man Who Posed For Hundreds Of Photo Booth Portraits

Photo booths were a great way to commemorate a trip to the county fair, amusement park, or other similarly pleasurable outing back in the day, but the guy featured in these photos seems to have enjoyed the photo booth ex...

One Donut to Rule Them All

One donut to rule them all, One donut to feed them; One donut to bring them all And in the darkness fatten them.Eva B., a Lord of the Rings fan in Slovakia, forged this donut in the fires of M...

Russian Roulette

[] (YouTube link)They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince, and that goes doubly so for finding someone among strangers on the internet. But if you're lucky, someone, or something...

The World's Smartest Air Conditioner

Not every home comes equipped with central air conditioning, but during the dog days of summer, it's hard to use a window-mounted A/C without spending a fortune on electricity or being totally uncomfortable. Aros is a no...

Fat Chance: The War Between Butter and Margarine

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader.These days, you expect to find both butter and margarine on grocery shelves… but did you know that margarine...

Jacket to Help Airline Passengers Dodge Baggage Fees

(Photo: JackToGo)The idea behind JakToGo is that airline passengers can avoid extra baggage fees by wearing their luggage. It goes far beyond stuffing pockets with gear. The JackToGo isn't stylish, but i...

25 Things You Didn’t Know About 2001: A Space Odyssey

The one thing most people know about the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey is that it’s incomprehensible. The movie premiered 46 years ago this week, and Flavorwire dug up quite a bit of triv...

When Animals Argue ...

You've probably seen it before, but when animals argue, hilarity ensues. I always chuckle no matter how many times I see this going 'round the web (that's probably what the spider said). Because you know...


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