YouTube Clip - via Hello Giggles
I dare you to watch this video and not smile.
YouTuber Picsel and Zootropio collaborated to bring us another (in a long line*) video clip of people dancing to Pharrell William's insanely happy** song "Happy." This time, however, instead of young people dancin', we get something better: old people dancin'.
I can't help but smile seeing (such well dressed) grandmas and grandpas dancing. They truly look happy!
*Note 1: Allowing people to remix your video clip to make it viral is an incredibly smart strategy. I don't understand the music and movie industries' insistence that their woes are due to piracy. Their main enemy is not piracy, it's obscurity.
**Note 2: I don't know which is insanely happier, Pharrell's Happy or Darwin Deez' Radar Detector.