(Photo: WMTW)
Jared Buzzell of Lisbon, Maine, saw a car hit and kill a porcupine. So, naturally, he decided to cut it open to retreive the magic stones inside.
Wait, let me back up a bit.
Bezoars are stones that form in the digestive tract of many animals, including humans. They're made of undigested matter that become lodged and hardened, slowly growing as more material compacts around them. In some folk medicine traditions, they're considered medicinally valuable. Porcupine bezoars are especially prized. That's why Buzzell was cutting open the dead porcupine.
But instead of finding bezoars, he found a baby. It tumbled right out. He brought it home and nursed it with human baby formula. The little tyke is doing well. Buzzell plans to hand him over to a wildlife rehabiliator soon.
-via Dave Barry
Comments (3)
From the same "folk medicine" tradition that thinks rhino horn will help your ED.