Daylight Saving Time Foiled a Terrorist Bomb Plot

You may not like Daylight Saving Time, but now you can't say that it's completely useless. In fact, it could've been what foiled a terrorist plot.

The Daily Mirror reported that police thought that an Irish bomber probably blew himself up because he forgot to set his clock forward an hour while planting a bomb.

"This certainly was a high-grade explosive used in this bomb," said the paper's anonymous source. "It wasn't garbage stuff. It would appear the bomber got his timings wrong. It could be a case where he didn't put his watch forward on Sunday [at 1 am] and the timer went off too soon."

The car was destroyed in the blast, but the perpetrator escaped with serious injuries. The local police are seeking information from the public to apprehend the bumbling bomber. (Image: Twitter/@PoloBoy)

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