We are happy to present an excerpt from the book Pranklopedia by Julie Winterbottom -just in time for April Fools Day! Pranklopedia has step-by-step instructions for 70 different pranks of all kinds for kids ages 7 through 12, including some printable materials like labels and tickets to make them easier to pull off.
Author Julie Winterbottom is a former editor of Nickelodeon Magazine, and has written quite a few other books for children. A lifelong prankster, she persionally tested all the pranks contained in the book and tweaked them for maximum effect. Credit goes to Winterbottom's long-suffering boyfriend for cooperating with her research.
You can find out more and order Pranklopedia from Workman Publishing, as well as from Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Available in both paperback and ebook form.
Here are five pranks from the book. You can see even more pranks at the Pranklopedia Facebook page.
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