Archive for March 30th, 2014

45 Simple Safety Rules For Living Life & Not Dying

Amy found a notebook in which her then-8-year-old-son had written out safety rules. And they are pretty good rules, if a little unclear at times. There are illustrations, too. Some of my favorites:#5: Never go near a sna...

Beautiful Quilled Pokémon

SlowpokeQuilling is the art of using rolled and curled strips of paper to create textured images. DeviantART member wholedwarf uses the craft to create images of Pokémon. SquirtleNidoque...

Liquid Boiling and Freezing

[] (YouTube link)There’s not a lot of documentation on this experiment, but what we know is that the unknown liquid is both boiling and freezing. Actually, if you go by the visuals, it se...

Order in the Court!

Redditor pageblanche posted this image and commented "My town keeps it classy." This is occasionally a problem at libraries, too. I don't mind pajamas that much. But I'd rather not touch an ID card retri...

Matt Groening’s Student Profiles

Back in 1989, when The Simpsons were still a short sketch inserted into The Tracy Ullman Show, and Matt Groening was known as the cartoonist behind the comic Life in Hell, he illustrated a book...

Super Cute! Cats and Dogs Meeting Babies for the First Time

[](Video Link)We have photos of our dog meeting our kids when we brought them home from the hospital. The first time, his expression was along the lines of "What is that thing?"...

Suspended Animation in Clinical Trials

Scientists and doctors the UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are planning a clinical trial that cannot be scheduled, with subjects that cannot be selected or screened, nor can they give informed con...

Action Movie Kid - A Video Series That Brings Imagination To Life

(Video Link) (Video Link)Dreamworks artist Daniel Hashimoto doesn’t take his work home with him, because he’d rather spend time playing with his son James and using a little movie magic...

7 Inconsequentially Cool Things From Movies That Took Way Too Long To Film

Some filmmakers will go the extra mile -or an extra year- the make their movie perfect. Sometimes it’s because they did not realize how difficult or time-consuming an effect would be, and once some time is spent, i...

TMNT Movie Trailer Spawns The Michaelangelo Meme

(Image Via Awkward Elevator)A trailer for Michael Bay's controversial Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot movie finally made its way onto the interwebs this week, and while it relieved some of the anxiety felt b...

Coke + Mentos (and Nutella!)

[] (YouTube link)An Italian YouTuber combines Coke and Mentos and funnels the reaction into a condom. You’ve seen it before, but he’s adding Nutella, which, I don’t know, is s...

Toy Talk

Crummy Gummy (previously at Neatorama) presents a new photo series in which he imagines what his favorite toys would say if they could talk (hint: not what you'd hear in the cartoons). The photographs are part of the exh...

Animated Short Shows How To Read Cat Body Language

(Video Link)Cats are kinda crazy and unpredictable, or at least we think they are because we have a hard time reading their body language and understanding how their postures and behaviors reveal what they&rsqu...

European Word Translator

“How do you say…” peppers every conversation when you’re trying to negotiate a different language. The European Word Translator fills in the blank, so to speak. This application...

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Kids If They Know Any Naughty Words

(Video Link)We recently posted a video featuring a guy asking his three year old nephew to recite all the bad words he knows, many of which were unsurprisingly butt related.But Jimmy Kimmel wasn’t satis...

Restoring the Chateau de Gudanes

You can save money and have a great house if you buy a fixer-upper, but only if you are prepared for the work it needs. Australians Karina and Craig Waters went to France and bought the Chateau de Gudanes, a 300-year-old...

What It's Like to Be a Professional Line Sitter

(Photo: SOLD)If you want a really hot product--like the latest smartphone or high-end sneakers--then you may have to stand in line if you want to purchase it on the first day that it's released. Those lines can get reall...

Elephant Plays Water Polo

[] (YouTube link)Beco is an elephant at the Columbus Zoo. He is celebrating his fifth birthday this weekend. Watch him play around with a very tough rubber ball -no wonder it’s his favori...

Hoarder Is Killed By His Own Wall Of Trash

(Image Via WFAA)Increased risk of fire, exposure to toxic mold, and toxoplasmosis due to animal waste exposure are all risks you run living life as a hoarder, but the most common risk is the one that recently took the li...

Wolverine The Musical

[] (YouTube link)Hugh Jackman visited the Matt Edmondson Show on BBC Radio and sang about playing the part of Wolverine. The song is based on “Who Am I” from Les Miserables...

This Couch Looks Like a Pile of Marshmallows

Kei Harada designed this couch. He calls it, appropriately, Marshmallows. Harada's goal was to create a form that would inspire movement. Judging from the way these kids are responding, I'd say that he w...

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