Cell Phone Crashing: Prank Someone Who's Talking Too Loudly on the Phone

Cell phone crashing at Disneyland - via BGR

Don't you hate it when someone around you starts talking loudly on their cell phone? Don't just give them a dirty look and suffer in silence, join in on the fun!

That's what comedian Greg Benson of MediocreFilms did. When someone is talking loudly on their mobile phone, Benson would sidle up next to them and pretend to talk on his phone as well. Except that he'd join in on the stranger's phone conversation.

Benson called this "cell phone crashing." Some of his unwitting victims are oblivious, a few of gave him quizzical looks and one even ran away. But in the end, most of them appreciate the humor.

Here are a few more of Benson's cell phone crashing clips:

More at Disneyland:

At the airport:

More at the airport:

At the park:

At the soccer game:

In San Francisco:

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