How is your favorite TV show doing? The application Graph TV will show you in just a few seconds. See every episode, separated by season, graphed by its IMDb ratings. You can see here how the show Breaking Bad struggled at the beginning, then found its footing with fans. At the site, you can click on a dot and go to the IMDb page for that episode. The very highest-rated Breaking Bad episode is "Ozymandias," as fans would have guessed, with "Felina" in second place. I tried to stump the graphs, putting in older and older shows. Below is the graph for The Andy Griffith Show.
You can see how the show just ran out of stream when Don Knotts left and color was added, even though the Neilsen ratings remained high. The oldest TV show I could think of was The Amos ’n Andy Show -and it graphed, too! I guess IMDb fans take every show, as well as every movie, seriously. Check it out and see what your favorite series looks like. -via Laughing Squid
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