Michael J. "Mickey" Petronchak of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania died in February at the age of 54. He was deeply loved by his family and his friends at Federal Express, where he worked. He touched the lives of many people at that company. When he passed away, they arrived at his funeral in about 100 delivery vans. Redditor VirtusOne was among them. He describes Mickey as a friend to everyone:
He was a ramp agent at Fedex Express. He was basically a manager, and he was on top of his game all the time. God, he had to be working there forever! He never called off, took a vacation, or worked less than 8 hours a day. Mickey loved everyone, and did so many generous things for people. He had no selflessness what so ever. He was so special to me because he was the first person I met at Fedex. He trained me and made me always be happy to be at work. He is a role model to me, and a lot of other people. He is one of those people that never take credit for what tasks he achieved. No one disliked him and he was the hardest worker I knew. Mickey used to give me 5 bucks for the vending machine. Why, I don't know. He just did it all the time.
You can see more photos of the procession here.
-via 22 Words