Dark Noir is an incredibly stylish animated short by Rafael Grampa that combines 2D and CGI elements into one surprisingly interesting storyline about personal daemons and the stories we all carry around within our minds.
It was created for Absolut Vodka's ad campaign Next Frame, and even though it carries a warning that it should only be viewed by those of legal drinking age the story seems to lack overly adult content, aside from the main character spending a lot of time in a bar.
Here's more about this decidedly artistic ad campaign:
Entitled Next Frame, the collaboration will invite users from around the world to help shape what happens within a new original story created by Grampa – as he writes it. Once the story is complete, the brand will work with Grampa to transform the still drawings into an animated film, which will premiere in Berlin at MADE, a creative space by Absolut, on March 15th.
-Via Cartoon Brew