Toddler's First Traffic Ticket

Photo: First Coast News

Ah, the developmental milestones of a child's life. Smiling that first smile. Uttering the first word. Taking the first step. Now, add this one: getting that first traffic ticket.

Two-year-old Za'Dariyah Mishaw was cruising along the parking lot of her Florida condo complex, fulfilling her need for speed, when she saw that dreaded flashing blue lights coming up behind her.

According to First Coast News, patrol officer Christian Velasco, who gave the lil' speed demon a ticket, said that "she was going pretty fast. It took me a while to catch up to her, but we did, and she was cited."

Za'Dariyah's uncle Keyth Mishaw said, "Everyone always had bad things to say about the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, well, I want to say BIG PROPS to these officers for making a memorable moment for my family." It was Za'Dariyah's first time in her new car, and now she kept telling her mom that she wanted to pay her $4 ticket.

The photo of the coppers giving the young kid her first taste of the law has gone viral on Facebook, racking nearly 40,000 shares.

See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

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Why in the world would someone feed pigeons? Does that guy also leave food out for rats and cockroaches? It's not like the pigeons are starving and can't find their own food.
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