Archive for March 12th, 2014

How To Be A Motion Picture Director

In the September 1925 issue of Photoplay magazine, silent film director Marshall Neilan conducted a tongue-in-cheek interview with himself. Almost 90 years later, nothing much has changed. Here's a sample:Q. Wha...

A Tree House for a Children's Hospice

(Image: Blue Forest Crafts)Here's an island of serenity for children who need it. The architects at Blue Forest Crafts designed this tree house for the Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice in Sussex, UK. It looks like...

Walking Contest

[] (YouTube link)People who live in large cities deal with the lack of space and privacy by developing a sense of virtual privacy. While it may seem unfriendly to outsiders, it is good manners...

Fudge Brownie Waffles Covered with Nutella Sauce and Bacon

Jorge Rosado has two passions: getting ripped at the gym and making obscenely decadent pancakes. No, really! His Instagram account Fitness_IQ has pictures of atrocious pancake dishes and himself at the g...

It’s a Sarlacc in Your Toilet!

Just one guy with an idea can burn up the internet -if it’s a clever idea. Robbie Rane made a poop joke once and now he’s an entrepreneur. He made these waterproof stickers that turn your toilet bowl into a S...

Sailor Moon Dog Costumes

The Instagram account mayama_ya is dedicated to one theme: a pack of Chihuahua puppies dressed in adorable costumes. Most of those costumes are of the Sailor Scouts from the anime series Sailor Moon*...

Bunny Must Be Petted!

[] (YouTube link)This rabbit is just fine as long as he gets strokes and scratches and plenty of attention, But stop for just a minute, and he throws a tantrum! Have you ever heard a bunny grow...

How Self-Checkouts Work

Abstruse GooseSelf-checkout registers at stores may seem unreliable, but that's only because you've misunderstood their purpose. They exist to amuse their builders, not make buying things easier.webcomic...

George Takei at SXSW

Our friends from Geeks Are Sexy are at SXSW in Austin, where George Takei spoke yesterday. The theme of the talk was diversity and civil liberties, causes close to the Star Trek veteran’s heart, from his c...

Cat Dalek Will Puke on Your Bed, Then Exterminate You

Greta writes that her cat "always looks as if he wants to kill somebody (or destroy the universe)." So she prudently made him a hat that looks like the helmet of a Dalek. Now he'll exterminate more than...

Food Maps of the World

Caitlin Levin and Henry Hargreaves, who brought us Deep Fried Gadgets and Gingerbread Galleries, now have created a series of maps of places all over the world made of food!In this series we have taken many of the iconic...

Man in Cookie Monster Onesie Arrested for Theft

(Unrelated photo via eBay seller snoozleshop)Police in Friendswood, Texas say that a witness claimed to see 2 men sneak into a construction site. When cops pulled them over, the suspects had stolen rebar pipes and hurric...

Ballad of a WiFi Hero

[] (YouTube link)McSweeney’s collaborated with Vulture to bring you an animated version of the classic tale In Which I Fix My Girlfriend’s Grandparents’ WiFi and Am Hailed as...

1844 Zoological Atlas

Paul Gervais was a renowned French paleontologist and entomologist, and a professor of zoology at the Sorbonne. He also had a medical degree. Gervais produced a supplemental volume of illustrations for a zoology encyclop...

The Story Behind Deep Note

[] (YouTube link)"Deep Note" is the nickname of the sound you hear when it is announced that a movie will be heard in THX, an audio certification standard developed by Lucasfilm. It was unveile...

The DIY Weapons Of The Ukranian Revolution

The riots in Kiev, Ukraine, which subsequently turned into a full blown revolution, weren't started by soldiers or police officers, they were started by average people willing to fight for their rights against a corrupt...

26 Outrageous Truths About Children's Television

[] (YouTube link)In the latest mental_floss video, John Green gives us the lowdown on children’s TV. I well recall the panic over the seizure-inducing Pokemon show. I couldn’t stand...

Man Reveals Crack Epidemic At Magic: The Gathering Tournaments

There are many things you’d expect to find at a Magic: The Gathering tournament- powerful custom built decks, rule mongering über nerds, dice, rulebooks and the occasional playmat. But there’s one thing...

Life-size, Single-sheet Origami Elephant

Artist Sipho Mabona took a 50x50-foot square of paper and folded it into a ten-foot-tall origami elephant! The feat took him (and a dozen assistants) four weeks to complete. The finished origami elephant is now displayed...

Kevin Bacon Explains The 80s To Millennials

(Video Link)It’s hard to believe by looking at him, but Kevin Bacon has been acting in Hollywood since 1978, so if he can’t explain the importance of 80s Awareness to Millennials then nobody can.Let...

Make Your Own Shadow Chandelier

It's nice to get a new, stylish home fixture, but many times these chic designs soon look old and tired and you're left with the choice of getting rid of them or leaving them to make your home look outdated and ugly. For...

Cat Exercise Program

[] (YouTube link)A cat who doesn’t want to exercise needs a little incentive. Dangling a carrot in front of a mule might work, but a cat wants cat food. This one has to negotiate a treadm...

16 Facts You Might Not Know about Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

Three years ago, we looked at trivia about the famous action television show Xena: Warrior Princess. That show was a spin-off of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. It aired from 1995 to...

Neatolinks: Accidental Heroes, Kakapo Rescues and Stress Hangovers

Worried About Money? You're Likely to Get a Worse Hangover (Boing Boing)These Accidental Heroes Show You Don't Have to Plan on Saving a Life to Do It. (Oddee)Finally You Can Snuggle With A Giant Chicken Leg (The Consumer...

This Isn't Snow. It's Sea Foam.

(Photo: Laurent Laveder--Photographer's Gallery)If you're in the United States, you may have seen snow this deep in recent weeks. But this photo is from Saint-Guénolé, France. On March 3, a terrible storm b...

Cat Terrorizes Family

A family in Portland, Oregon, was held hostage in a bedroom by their 22-pound cat Lux. The cat had attacked and scratched Lee Palmer’s 7-month-old baby and threatened the rest of the family. Palmer called 911.Dispa...

The Perfect Topping for an Ice Cream Sundae Is 2 Ice Cream Cones

I used to say that hot fudge is the best sundae topping, but now I realize how terribly wrong I was. The best topping is even more ice cream, as the restaurant Café Est! Est! in Tokyo has clearly proven.Casey Base...

Jonas vs. The Dust Buster

[] (YouTube link)Remember the video of Jonas the tiger asking for pizza? Zookeeper Kevin Thatcher saw how much everyone liked the video of Jonas when he was young, so he dug up more home video...

The Endless Staircase

(Photo: Dominik Hartmann)Father and son mathematicians Lionel and Roger Penrose devised the Penrose triangle--an impossible object that looks like a twisting 3-dimensional triangle. They and M.C. Escher also conceived of...

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