This is Call of the Wild, the latest sculpture series by Herb Williams. From his studio in Nashville, Tennessee, he experiments with different media. For the past decade, he's used crayons. In a 2008 interview, Williams describes how the idea came to him in a dream:
My son woke me up in the middle of the night from a dream at just the right point where (I’ll get into the specifics of the craziest dream I’ve ever had in another interview) I saw a crayon sculpture. I don’t know too much about visions and lucid dreaming, but I do think that the subconscious works out what you can’t, if you just keep at it.
In a documentary about the project, Williams says that when he saw the crayon sculpture, he immediately snapped awake. He had a sketchbook by his bed, so he went straight to work. For the past 10 years, Williams have been living that dream.
Wiliams traces his Call of the Wild series back to learning about synesthesia, which is experiencing something through multiple senses. His sculptures explore how animals might experience color.
-via Visual News
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