There are signs of spring popping up here and there. The most obvious is that my 15-year-old cat asked to go outside of her own free will for the first time in months! I also have tulip leaves coming up, so I guess it’s about time I got around to the fall garden chores. And most importantly, Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend! Set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed tonight, because the time will change for most locations in the U.S. at 2AM Sunday. You might also want to go to bed a bit earlier, since we will lose an hour. Only one person in a household should be designated to set all the clocks, or else some will be reset twice -I know this from experience. But before you do that, take a look at the highlights from the past week here at Neatorama.
The 10 Most Striking Images of Earth From Space is a beautiful book excerpt on our Spotlight Blog.
For Derpy Day last weekend, John Farrier rounded up 15 Great Derpy Hooves Crafts.
Eddie Deezen told us about The Final Days of John Wayne.
Thaddeus Cahill and His Telharmonium came from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader.
The Annals of Improbable Research gave us Ig® Nobel Limericks: Bats and Snot, Etc.
The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America was from mental_floss magazine.
Our poll this week was only posted last night. Is It Wrong to Tattoo Your Dog? So far, most readers think so. Register your opinion!
Hy Conrad’s Whodunit this week was the story of Frankie and the Telescope.
The unknown object in the What Is It? game is a Sadlak M1A, M14 USGI Combination tool for use on military rifles. See it’s many uses at the What Is It? blog. We were looking for wrong but funny answers, and jasennesaj had one: an S&M bicycle seat with a built in fart muzzle compensator. Ha! That wins a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! ColShorts had a great answer, too, “The Exhaust Piper.” Replace your car's exhaust with this and sound like Scotland as you drive! Congratulations to both. There are a lot of other funny answers; you should go read them all. See the identifications of all this week’s mystery items at the What Is It? blog.
The post with the most comments this week was Europe to America: Get Your Own Cheese Names! The posts By The Time You See It, You'd Probably Be Dead and An American Breakfast tied for second place. It's not to late to put your two cents worth in!
We had a couple of comments that deserve to be shared as comments of the week. First, PlasmaGryphon had this to say about The Beekeeping Donkey: "Just proves that to excel at your business, all you need is a jackass in a suit." And then Andrew Dalke contributed a clever pun to the post Nine Kings. "Seven are wearing sashes. Two are wearing back-sashes. :)"
The most popular post was Fast Food Workers Reveal The One Item You Shouldn't Order, followed by Snake Ate Crocodile After an Epic Battle to the Death and Use the Words You Have. We have a running tally of the most popular and most-commented-on posts from the past seven days in our sidebar, so you can see what everyone else is talking about.
The post that got the most hearts was 3-Way Adjustable Load Carrier for Laborers. Tying for second place was Hot Air Balloon Light Bulbs and By The Time You See It, You'd Probably Be Dead and An 8-Year-Old Boy's Incredible Act of Kindness.
The most-emailed post was Best Friends, with Toddler Conducts Church Choir and Baby Leads Her Dad through an Intense Workout following. You can't go wrong with babies and puppies.
Our post that was shared the most on Facebook was Clem Chen’s Taxidermy Bike Seats. The one that was most Tweeted was Ellen’s Selfie in Lego. The most pinned post on Pinterest was The Life of Alfred, and the one that was most shared on Google+ was Stuff Being Thrown At My Head. We really appreciate you sharing our stuff on social media!
The Neatoramanauts Facebook page is proving to be more popular every day! The biggest post there this week was this LOLdog. It got a ton of comments, too. Put our Facebook page on your list of pages to check every day. Make sure to follow Neatorama on Twitter and Pinterest, too!
And as long as we're telling you what to do, go ahead and set one clock back now. Later this evening, you'll wonder why it's different, and then you'll remember to set the rest of the clocks back because Daylight Saving Time is upon us. Have a great week!