Bacon App Wakes You with the Smell of Fresh Bacon

We've seen a custom-built bacon alarm clock before. But this one comes with the all of the portability of a smartphone.

The Oscar Meyer Institute for the Advancement of Bacon--wait, let's stop right there.

There's an Institute for the Advancement of Bacon. It exists. The mission of this esteemed organization is "creating a better bacon strip and forging a better bacon future." No matter what depressing news you may encounter from around the world or your own personal life, go to bed tonight secure in the knowledge that there is an Institute for the Advancement of Bacon. There are people out there making the world a better place for you and me.

Okay, back to the bacon alarm clock. It's a smartphone app and hardware peripheral that shoots out puffs of bacon-scented air at a time selected by you. For me, that would mean constantly. But presumably the device cannot be used as frequently as that without refills.

You can see the dramatic and hilarious promotional video below:

(Video Link)

-via Technabob

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