Lunchroom Larfs

Toronto stay-at-home-dad Jason Gemmill draws a silly picture for his daughter’s lunchbox every school day. The backstories for the daily drawing don’t go in the lunchbox, but are posted for adults on his blog My Daddy Stays Home. I particularly liked the drawing above with this blog caption:

Yes, both the squid and the octopus had lied about their ability to skate before commencing their first date. They both found it charming that they had tried so hard to impress the other. Years later at their 50th anniversary they would laugh at the memory. Then a sperm whale ate them and their whole family that had gathered to celebrate.

But I couldn’t decide whether that was better than this one:

The unicorn and narwhal back at the office hated when it was rhino's turn to pick up snacks. They felt he was cheap and never bought enough. The meerkat on reception, who due to the requirements of the position was unable to do a snack run, wished he could just once have a danish.

There are plenty more where those came from. -Thanks, Jason Corelli!

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