Russian Sense of Humor at the Sochi Closing Ceremonies

The most delightful moment from the Olympic Closing  ceremonies at Sochi involved the Russians poking fun at their own Opening Ceremonies. In case you are in the U.S. and haven’t seen the show yet, I have refrained from posting the picture here because someone will call it a spoiler. However, if you are American and have decided to watch The Walking Dead tonight instead, check out the gif at Uproxx. Pictured here is ceremony director Konstantin Ernst, who should be proud.

(Image credit: NickdMiller)

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Not really- I live in Ternopil- a city SW of Kyiv. I was in Kyiv after it got violent but stayed out of the center of town. Our city government (and probably 95% of the pop here) is composed of people who are in one of the opposition parties (well- they're not the opposition now in the new coalition government) so there never was much danger here as there was no dissent, to speak of. All rallies here (while huge) were peaceful. Right up until last Wed night when the police headquarters, prosecutor's office were torched and generally destroyed. Lots of damage done then but I stayed inside.
Roads are still controlled by the self defense league who protected the demonstrators for months- we came through a checkpoint last night in a bus. That was a bit unsettling (although the young man who got on our bus to look us over was very quiet and polite). They do this to help keep the traffic police in line and to try to snag any of the former government still in the country- there's a long list of 'wanteds'.
Guess the comment got long!
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I got a chance to visit the traffic control center for our county, but it wasn't anything like this. . .The Japanese certainly know how to do a thing. Makes me wonder about other major cities. . .
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