Sewer Blocked by Big Pooh

Oh, bother.

We've recently discovered why the sewers of East Kilbride, Scotland, got a bit backed up: a large Pooh blocking the pipes. But you can't blame the bear, he's probably just looking for honey in all the wrong places.

But if you think that a large Winnie the Pooh teddy bear is weird, wait till you hear what's number two on the list of strange things Scottish Water has found in their sewers: a fax machine. Oh, and a pink bicycle.

Scottish Water, the company in charge of water and sewerage services in Scotland, said that last year, they encountered over 40,000 sewer blockages that cost ratepayers £7 million.

Chris Wallace of Scottish Water would like to remind everyone that "this drain is designed to take only the used water from sinks, showers and baths and pee, poo and toilet paper from the toilet."

Well, at least they don't have to deal with the Fatberg of London.

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