
This happens every time you eat popcorn! Don't tell me you don't relate. It's more likely to happen with the thin skins that come off the kernel, though.

The same thing also happens to me with rye bread and steak, and a lot of other foods. I guess my teeth are spaced a bit funny. If nothing else, the experience forces me to get out the dental floss -and once you floss one tooth, you may as well floss them all. (It's mighty hard for me to correctly type dental floss instead of mental floss.) This comic is from the Awkward Yeti.

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I floss it out.
And- from a close friend who is a cancer survivor- apparently being a good flosser can help you if you ever face radiation. Something about overall dental care and radiation's negative affects on teeth. (Public service message for the day!) ;)
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Actually, when I get popcorn jammed in there, I'm always afraid the floss will just push it down further, so I swish a capful of hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes, and it foams all the kernel bits right out!
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