Archive for February 14th, 2014

How to Conjugate #YOLO in Latin

(Image: unknown)My Latin is really rusty, so I had to look this one up. YOLO (the acronym for "you only live once") is a first conjugation regular verb. It's often used as a hashtag on Twitter by people expressing their...

What In The World Do Those Weird Figure Skating Terms Mean?

If you are like most folks, you watch figure skating for a few days every four years at most. We cheer for our nation in the Olympics or else we are waiting for someone to slip and fall. So maybe we could use a refresher...

Valentine's Day for the Praying Mantises

(Carolyn Hiler/A Zillion Dollars Comics)A thoughtful gentleman mantis knows that his lady would like dessert. This may be the last Valentine's Day that you two will have together. Show her that you reall...

Snow Day: The Musical

[] (YouTube link)Parents will relate to this, especially this winter. There are probably plenty more snow days ahead before spring finally gets here. The Holderness family of Durham, North Caro...

Grown Up Dreams

(Chris Hallbeck/Minimumble)Those are the best dreams ever because at least there's a chance that they will come true. It's only a small chance though--just enough to make you think that this morning it c...

Happy Valentines Day

[] (YouTube link)She’s hot! Maybe a little too hot, if you know what I mean. But it doesn’t matter how hot you are, it’s still difficult to find the right person to have a real...

The Streets in This Dutch Town Are Named for Lord of the Rings Characters

(Map: Google)Geldrop is a town in the southern part of the Netherlands. One of the neighborhoods in that town is named for characters in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings books.I don't see...

The Employees at This Office Work at One, Continuous, Undulating, 4,400 Square Foot Desk

They call it the "Superdesk." Although it doesn't have super powers, nor does it transform into a giant fighting robot, this desk is nonetheless impressive. Architect Clive Wilkinson designed it for The...

A Long Lasting Love

Ah, love! It sure beats growing old all alone. At least that’s what we keep telling ourselves. Seventy-two years is really something to be proud of -that’s a long time to not fall dead! A Valentines Day comic...

Slacklining Over Lake Green

[] That's Austrian adventurer Michael "Mich" Kemeter slacklining across the gorgeous Green Lake in Austria. It took Kemeter 35 attempts in 20 days back in September 2013...

Stylin' Hello Kitty Tissues

Stylin' Hello Kitty Tissues (sold individually)Are you tired of people always telling you that you are blowing your money on Hello Kitty? Show them how purr-fectly practical Hello Kitty can be with the Stylin' Hello Kitt...

A Valentines Day Love Announcement

This prank classified ad was published today in the special Valentine section of the Launceston Examiner in Tasmania. No Photoshop; the same announcement is at the online version of the paper. Redditor randomppl...

How to Pick Up a Coin using a Forklift

[] (YouTube Link) Can you scoop a coin off the floor with a fork lift? This guy can! And if you think that was impressive, watch what he did next ... Forklifts don't come to mind wh...

If Doctor Who Was an American Show

There have been 13 incarnations of the title character in the BBC series Doctor Who since 1963. Although it may be hard for fans to imagine any other actors playing those parts from the past, they do have to get...

Interspecies Love Compilation

[] (YouTube link)Look at these adorable animals showing love for each other! Now, we know that animals of different species don’t really have romance on the mind, but you never cuddle up...

Wiry Limbs, Paper Backs

Terry Border, who created the awesome Bent Objects project we featured on Neatorama a while back, has a new project called Wiry Limbs, Paper Backs where he brought some of our favorite books to life thanks to a l...

Supermarket Wine Date

[] (YouTube link)Norwegian prankster Freddy Fairhair (previously at Neatorama) sent a video in which he flirts with female strangers in an American supermarket by sharing wine off the shelf wit...

Personal Threat Level

Remember the Homeland Security Advisory System from the Department of Homeland Security? It tried to tell us how scared we should be, as if that would help anything. Now you can make your own, with the Personal T...

10-year-old Tells Whopper About Driving Car

A ten-year-old boy in Norway woke up before dawn and decided to take a drive to see his grandmother, 30 kilometers away! He took his toddler sister, who was also awake, with him. A few miles from home, snowplow driver Bj...

Banana Tree Stump

Brock Davis is a master of taking ordinary objects and modifying them slightly to create clear images of other things. We've previously seen him cut up a banana to turn it into a truck driver. Here's his latest banana cr...

The LEGO Movie Bloopers and Outtakes

[] (YouTube link)The LEGO Movie opened at #1 at the box office last weekend. I doubt that this video contains any actual spoilers. It’s an awful lot of trouble to make a blooper...

Neatolinks: Puppies, Facebook, Science and Freedom of the Press

This Is Some Serious Puppy Love (YouTube)Facebook Is Now Open to More Than Just Male/Female Gender Preferences (Geekosystem)5 Ridiculous Arguments That Have Scientific Answers (Cracked)A Map Showing Where Freedom of the...

How to Improve Curling

[] (YouTube link)One little change in the sport of curling would guarantee high TV ratings and a full house for each match. It’s a simple matter of replacing the stones with cats. It woul...

The 9 Most Romantic Beds for Valentine's Day

From floating beds to cozy caves, these beds are so romantic that I wish I could head back to bed right now -of course, I always wish I could head back to bed, but these beds make me want to go back to bed for romantic p...

Lyndon Johnson: The President Who Marked His Territory

(Image credit: National Archives)Lyndon Baines Johnson wanted to be remembered as the greatest president who ever lived. With that grand ambition in mind (and an ego to match), he launched such sweeping social prog...

How Can Women's Body Armor Be So Skimpy, Yet So Effective?

In fantasy art, women's body armor is often depicted in ways that may appear unrealistic. This may come as a shock to some of you, but in the opinion of some critics, the popular chainmail bikini is designed to...

Rose Scented Mustaches

Rose Scented MustachesGiving someone flowers as a token of your affection is so passe. Give your love the gift of style and flair with the Rose Scented Mustaches from the NeatoShop. This hip synthetic facial hair comes w...

100-Year Old Best Friends Talk about Pop Culture

[](Video Link)Here's your video treat of the day. Daily of the Day calls Alice and Irene "absolutely delightful" and I fully agree. These 100-year old women have been best friend...

Photographs of the First Winter Olympics

The very first Winter Games were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924. Athletes competed in most of the same sports as they do today: speed skating, figure skating, skiing, ski jump, curling, bobsledding, and hockey (plus,...

Proposal: Get Rid of Football Helmet Face Masks

(Photo: University of Nebraska)Modern football helmets are technological wonders designed in reflection of a detailed knowledge of physics, materials science and biomechanics. They’re designed to keep a player&rsqu...


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