Armed Banana Arrested in Beaumont

Police in Beaumont, Texas, arrested a man in a banana suit with an AK-47 who was advertising for a store by standing on the side of a highway.

Derek Poe, owner of Golden Triangle Tactical, told 12News Saturday that it was part of the store's grand opening after moving locations from Parkdale Mall.

Poe said the man in the banana suit was holding an AK-47 across his back with the barrel pointing down and holding a sign with an arrow pointing toward the store. He said this idea was to attract customers to the store.

A Beaumont police spokesperson said officers temporarily detained the 18-year-old and found he had the rifle with a drum magazine attached with at least a 50-round capacity. The spokesperson said the teen was cited for violating a city ordinance that prohibits soliciting in and alongside roadways.

Charges of disorderly conduct were later added because people had complained to the police that they were frightened by the armed banana. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: Aaron Jacob)

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So the take away is, he got charged for standing around in a banana costume...not because he had an ak with a 50 round mag...makes perfect sense
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