Disney’s princess movie Sleeping Beauty was released 55 years ago, so you would be forgiven for not knowing the details of its production. It took six years and six million dollars to bring the fairy tale to the big screen, but all that time and attention to detail didn’t pay off until quite some time later, when the film moved into “classic” territory.
9. Although it’s a classic now, Sleeping Beauty was not a darling at the time. Critics thought the movie moved slowly and lacked character development.
10. In fact, Sleeping Beauty was such a box office bomb (at least, compared to the cost of production) that the company decided that princess movies weren’t exactly the wave of the future. They didn’t make another princess movie until 30 years later, when The Little Mermaid was released in 1989.
Just think, if Sleeping Beauty has been an immediate hit, we might now have twice as many princesses in the Disney lineup. But then, we might have missed out the different direction that the studio took, which gave us 101 Dalmations, The Jungle Books, and Mary Poppins. Read more Sleeping Beauty trivia at mental_floss.