Now, if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were a little less honorable and C-3PO was a little more homicidal, and maybe if the magic trash can had a sense of humor... At this point, there’s nothing more we can do with The Phantom Menace than to just make a party out of it. Really, it’s the only thing that will make the movie watchable. This was accomplished by the Auralnauts. I can’t wait to see what they do with Attack of the Clones. -via b3ta
That and the midichlorians. Vader being a virgin birth.
And Yoda was no longer a Muppet.
But no one would hate you for liking them!
And Hayden Christianson was never likeable as Vader because of his wooden acting.
I didn't mind Jar Jar being goofy, but did he have to be Steppin Fetchit?
But no one would hate you for liking them.