There's Literally a River in Scotland Flowing with Whisky

(Image: CBS)

Well, of course! Where you do think the Scots get the good stuff? Scotch whisky is a natural product. It comes straight out of the ground.

At least, that's what I will insist on believing, despite this news story. STV reports that a tanker truck of 27,500 liters of whisky...

Let's pause for a moment and ponder that image: an entire truck full of good whisky!

...okay, back to our story. 6,600 liters of delicious cargo from this truck was accidentally pumped into the wrong vat. It then flowed into the River Ayr. The company that owns the truck was fined £12,000 for reasons I cannot understand.

-via Foodbeast

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In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks,
Little streams of alky-hol comes trickling down the rocks.
Oh the shacks all have to tip their hats and the railroad bulls are blind,
There's a lake of stew and whiskey too,
And you can paddle all around it in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountain.

Harry McClintock called it way back in 1928 with Big Rock Candy Mountain.
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