Digital image quality keeps improving by leaps and bounds, and some day the megapixel may be replaced by its bigger brother the gigapixel in standard digital camera technology.
Microsoft Research used their considerable talents, recent advancements in image technology, and 2,400 individual shots of the city to create a 20 gigapixel panoramic photo of Seattle for a project called Gigapixel ArtZoom.
Just to make this amazing image more fun to explore lead developer Michael Cohen decided to add some easter eggs in post for viewers to seek out, making the whole thing feel like a scavenger hunt you can participate in from the comfort of your chair. Have fun snooping around Seattle!
UPDATE- The easter eggs are all art related: artists, works of art, etc. Anything that doesn't seem to quite fit into the city is probably an easter egg, because there are over 100 hidden within this massive panorama pic!
Via Gizmodo