Archive for January 23rd, 2014

As a Joke, A Woman with Muscular Dystrophy Applied to Be a Fashion Model. She Got the Job.

(Photo: Diesel)Jillian Mercado is a fashion reporter. She has muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair. During her work for a fashion magazine, she met Nicola Formichetti, the artistic director for the Diesel fashion hou...

Global Wage Calculator

This is simple. Just enter your annual income, and what country you are in, and the Davos2014 Wage Calculator from CNN will let you know how you stack up against your other countrymen and against the res...

Sea Is for Cookie

Redditor Put_It_All_On_Red made this modification of The Great Wave off Kanagawa, a watercolor woodblock print by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). Cookie Monster, an unstoppable force of nature,...

The Jeweler with No Fingers

[] (YouTube link)British goldsmith Annette Gabbedey has been crafting custom jewelry and setting precious gems for 24 years, despite the fact that she was born without fingers. The "about" page...

6-Way Conjoined Book

A few months ago, we showed you a dos-à-dos book--one with a hard back that forms the front of another book. This rare book owned by the National Library of Sweden is even more complex. Erik...

Game Of Thrones Scenes As Japanese Woodcut Style Prints

George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones saga may have taken place in Westeros, which is more like Europe than Asia, but it's every fan art/fiction creating geek's duty to consider the possibility of their favorite storylin...

Be My Valentine Bombshell Apron

Be My Valentine Bombshell ApronThis Valentine's Day spice up your kitchen wardrobe with the Be My Valentine Bombshell Apron from the NeatoShop. This sexy full apron features a deep v-neck design, rickrack accent, and all...

Previously Unknown Egyptian Pharaoh Found

A burial ground in Egypt that was discovered in 1902 but never excavated has yielded its first pharaoh -and may contain many more. The tomb, in the area of Abydos, 300 miles south of Cairo, is being explored by a team of...

Watch Queen Elsa Sing Let It Go in 25 Languages

Do you love the movie Frozen as much as my little girls? Well, you are going to love this Disney video in which Queen Elsa sings "Let It Go" in 25 languages.The languages transition from English to French, Germa...

Antique Jewelry: From Hummingbird Heads to Poison Rings

Antique jewelry is nice, but sometimes it can be gruesome. You never know when you'll come across a piece of jewelry at an estate sale that is made of a glass eye, a bone, or a long-dead animal. Jewelry historian Monica...

Motorcyclist Lays His Head on the Track During High Speed Turn

[](Video Link)Racing bike riders may occasionally drag their knees on the pavement while turning at high speeds. But this daring rider appears to deliberately lay his head on the...

Deep Dark Fears

If you are suffering from a lack of things to be terrified of, here's just what you've been looking for. Artist and animator Fran Krause has a Tumblr blog devoted to our deepest, darkest fears, appropriately titled *stro...

Three Hour Long Supercut Of Every NES Title Screen Ever Made

(Video Link)Old school gamers with no new games to play and nothing better to do might want to set aside some time, approximately three hours or so, and watch this compilation of every single NES title screen e...

A Ghost Ship Full of Cannibal Rats

An abandoned cruise ship has been floating in international waters for months, since it came loose in a storm while being towed off the coast of Newfoundland. The company that intended to sell the Lyubov Orlova...

Pineapple Wrapped in Candied Bacon With Honey-Sriracha Sauce

We love sweets, bacon and Sriracha soooo much here at Neatorama and these amazing pineapple pieces wrapped in candied bacon and served with a Sriracha-honey sauce are pretty much everything we look for in a snack. Best o...

Bambi Attacks Woodsman

[] (YouTube link)What gives, little deer? You're supposed to be afraid of humans! Fear would serve you better in the long run. After all, the guy could've used that axe and had venison for dinn...

Disney Princess Gargoyles

ArielSnow WhiteJasmineAuroraBrianna Garcia is the artist who drew the main characters from My Little Pony as raptors. They were an internet sensation. She's also drawn several Disney princesses as gargoy...

A New Theory to Explain How Life Began

Scientists don't know how life on earth got its start, but they have ideas. The most popular to date is that a bolt of lightning or other power boost energized a soup containing all the necessary chemicals to get things...

Nursing Home Residents Re-Create Scenes From Their Favorite Movies

You’re never too old to have some photographic fun, and when life gets boring for retirement community residents in the Westphalia region of Germany they get all dressed up and re-enact scenes from some of their fa...

A Guide To American Football

[] (YouTube link)The Super Bowl quickly approaches, so animator Fraser Davidson made a little guide to help you understand American football as it is played by the NFL. If you're one of those w...

11 English Words That Were Originally Japanese

If you're a native English speaker, you may know more Japanese than you think. For example, the word "tycoon" has come to mean in English a wealthy and powerful business leader, such as the above pictured Howard Hughes....

What Is It? game 311

It's once again time for our collaboration with the wonderfully entertaining What Is It? Blog. Do you know what the pictured item is? Can you make up something wonderfully wacky? That's what we're looking...

Animal Shower Cap

Animal Shower Cap (sold individually)Are you looking for a way to have some good clean fun? You need an Animal Shower Cap from the Neatohop. These whimsical caps are a great way to to let your personality shine even in t...

The Urban Green House Is Really Green

No, I don't mean that the Urban Green House is colored green, it's green in the eco-sense of the word. In fact, it's pretty much wood, concrete and black siding on the outside. So how is it green? Well, it is design...

Watch This Man Balance a Car on His Head for 33 Seconds

[](Video Link)John Evans holds the Guinness World Record for the balancing the heaviest car on one's head. How did he discover that he has this talent? It started while he was wo...

Oliver Hardy: The Fat One

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook. Norvell Hardy, who was to gain world fame as one half of the legendary movie co...

Neatolinks: Babies, Statues, Cartoons and Full House

Imagining A Baby Girl In A Variety of Professions (The Mary Sue)Take That Statue of Liberty: 10 Films Where She Gets Pwned (Scribol)What Do You Think of These Five Under-appreciated Animated Shows (Unreality Mag)The Cast...

Disney's Next Princess

Disney's next princess movie isn't due until 2018, but there's already fan art to enjoy. A leaked piece of concept art was retracted because, according to Disney, it wasn't an official release. We don't know how much dev...

Being Self-Conscious

(Doghouse Diaries)Are your relationships sufficiently superficial? Can you get your abs down without actually working hard? How far are you falling behind your friends?Never mind that. A magazine that ma...

Trailer For Love Child- A Documentary About Internet Addiction

(Video Link)A South Korean couple were so immersed in the multiplayer game Prius Online that they let their child starve to death, raising questions about whether Korea’s “place as the world leade...


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