(Photos: Joshua Roberts)
In internet speak, a "banhammer" refers to the power of a website administrator to ban a user from posting on or even accessing that website. Neatorama's banhammer is rarely used because Neatoramanauts are, generally speaking, polite, kind and (let's not be overly modest) good-looking.
Reddit, though, sometimes has a few difficulties with trolls. So the site commissioned the creation of two actual, physical banhammers--one each for the New York and San Francisco offices. They gave the job to Brian Timmons, a woodworker in Texas who had posted some of his work on their /r/woodworking forum.
They are a matching pair made of wood, leather and copper studs. That's not a metal head. So, mods, you'll want to be careful when bringing it down on a wayward redditor.
-via reddit