If you have ever lived in or even seen a truly small studio apartment, you know that many don't have kitchens because there's simply no room. But if you ever have to live in such a space (or decide to go squat in an old office building that has no kitchen), now you can get around the frustrating problem of not being able to cook for yourself thanks to The Kochinsel by Remo Zimmerli, a small, rolling kitchen complete with an oven and stove that have their own small gas tank to keep them going strong without being anchored to your wall.
View more pics over at Homes and Hues: The Kochinsel Converts Any Space Into A Home
We've featured Remo Zimmerli's work before on Homes and Hues, since we also loved his brilliant Living Cube. The designer certainly knows how to work to maximize the space within small homes and if you have a Living Cube and a Kochinsel, you've got pretty much everything you need in an entire apartment.