The following contains spoilers for the movie Frozen. Prince Charming, as a concept, has always been an overly-simplified trope in the Disney fairy tale films. Whatever name he goes by, he's good-looking, titled, wealthy, and he saves the day. What more could a potential princess possibly want? In real life, traits like kindness, loyalty, support, compatibility, ethics, and a sense of humor mean far more.
Frozen breaks away from the trope by contrasting two suitors: one is a real prince, while the other is friendzoned. But this time, the prince turns out to have a personality -and not a good one, while the friend has only the protagonist's best interests at heart. Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora didn't take the time to know their princes before "happily ever after." As in several of the more recent Disney fairy tales, it's a small step in the right direction. Read a deconstruction of Prince Charming at The Week.
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