Archive for January 17th, 2014

Laser Cut Book Pages Tell A Story With Images Instead Of Words

When you open a book made by Japanese artist Yusuke Oono you won’t find chapters, or titles or words of any kind. The only words to read on these books are the titles emblazoned across their bright covers, with nam...

Elias on Ellen

[] (YouTube link)Seven-year-old piano prodigy Elias Phoenix was a guest on The Ellen Show today. He was pretty excited about being there -he is a big fan of hers! Oh yeah, he eventuall...

Exceptionally Cute Cat Shoes

VA Viper calls these shoes "crazy cat lady high heels." You wouldn't have to be crazy to find these shoes appealing. These are the Miao shoes by Kobi Levi, an Israeli fashion designer. They look like str...

Saving a 40-Ton, 100-Year-Old World's Fair Pipe Organ

The Opus 500 is also known as the Exposition Organ, because it was played at the worlds fair in San Francisco in 1915. It was the seventh-largest organ in the world. What do you do with such a large, valuable, and heavy...

Stitched Map of Westeros from Game of Thrones

The mother of redditor lkd10019312 made this fantastic stitchwork map of the continent of Westeros from Game of Thrones. It's very detailed and makes good use of buttons to imitate the animated map sequence...

The Parental Advisory Movie Quiz

Can you guess a movie from a parental advisory? In a new quiz from UsVsTh3m, the Parental Advisory Movie Quiz, you'll be given a quote taken from IMDb's user-edited parent's guide (not the whole advisory...

"Every Man Has His Price."

(Bizarro Comics/Dan Piraro)That's the Ninety-Eighth Rule of Acquisition. The Two Hundred Sixty-Third is also relevant to this scene. It says, "Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum." The ent...

Lion Cubs and the New Thing

[] (YouTube link)Nala and Simba don't know what this thing is, so the best course of action is to smack it and hiss at it. Of course. "This thing" is a remote control car with a GoPro camera at...

11 Movies That Made Less Than $400 at the U.S. Box Office

Even the very cheapest feature films cost thousands of dollars -and time- to make, so how embarrassing is it to produce a movie that grosses in the triple or even double digits? Very. We've told you about cheap B-movies...

In the Chinese Zodiac, It Will Soon Be the Year of the Pony

And as a brony, I enthusiastically approve. The Chinese zodiac moves in a 12-year cycle. Each year is represented by a different animal. On January 31, it will be the Year of the Horse.Some artists are interpreting...

Zombie Fighter is Zombie Pranked

Nick Santonastasso was born with only one arm and no legs. But he has a sense of humor, which he's used lately to prank people by sneaking upon them dressed as a zombie. The cast and crew of the zombie TV show The Wa...

No More Bananas for the Monkeys

Who could possibly be so cruel as to separate a monkey from his bananas? Look at that poor little guy -his face tells you how he feels about eating a Brussels sprout instead of a banana. That's what's happened at Paignto...

What Are You Doing This Weekend?

(Maximumble/Chris Hallbeck)Imaginary Me has the most awesome adventures ever. He's always on the go, from one new experience to the next.Real Me is a slob who stays in bed too much and never socializes u...

Uglydoll Ox in the Box

Uglydoll Ox in the BoxAre you in need of a hug and a kiss. Turn the handle, listen to the tune, and out pops lovable OX. Everyone's favorite Uglydoll is is ready and excited to steal borrow your heart.Be sure to che...

Toy Story: Cute Kitten Version

[] (YouTube link)If you liked the video with the kittens re-enacting The Lion King, and the pug versions of Home Alone and Elf, you're gonna love this! Kittens re-ena...

What Emojis Would Look Like In Real Life

Emojis are the cute little symbols that are replacing their simpler cousins the emoticons, and even though they're cute when viewed on a screen they're downright horrifying to look at in real life.These real life emojis...

15 Things to Know About Popeye on His 85th Anniversary

On January 17, 1929, the sailor character Popeye made his first appearance in the comic strip Thimble Theater. He quickly became the star of the comic, which was eventually renamed for him, and went on to animated cartoo...

Grumpy Cat and the Tramp

Artist Eric Proctor has been gradually working the internet's famous Grumpy Cat into Disney's animated movies. We've previously featured several of works showing Tard as Disney princesses. Recently, Proctor placed Tard i...

S'mores Waffle Sliders

Every now and then, you see a recipe title that is filled with words you just can't enjoy enough. That was certainly the case when I saw these S'mores Waffle Sliders by Mom on Timeout (who also brought us these grea...

A Different Celebrity Photo Session

Photographer Jeremy Cowart did a photo shoot of the cast of the TV series The Haves and Have Nots. One of the stars of the Oprah Winfrey Network show is John Schneider, who you remember from The Dukes of Haz...

An Articulated Bandsaw

I'm currently building a wooden cabinet that looks like Pinkie Pie. It has a lot of curves and tight angles, so I looked at bandsaws a few months ago. They were all too expensive. I've made do with a jigsaw instead....

Lil Bub's Baby Pictures

[] (YouTube link)As tiny as Lil Bub is, have you ever wondered what she looked like before she grew up? Mike Bridavsky just uploaded some footage he found taken during his first week with the k...

11 Awesomely Geeky Home Theater Systems

Even if you don't think you could ever afford your own home cinema, they're still fun to think about -especially when the room comes designed with an awesomely geeky theme that can really help you get into your favorite...

A Classy Mid-Century Star Trek Pet Bed

It's not just the fabric inspired by the original Star Trek that makes this pet bed perfect. The mid-century modern furniture design makes this bed look like it was just taken out of prop storag...

5 of History's Great Bank Robberies

When the famous bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he supposedly replied, "That's where the money is." Sutton claimed he never actually said it. Pity. Someone should have. Anyway, here are the...

Neatolinks: Prisoners, Cats, Librarians, Tattoos, Bunnies and Coffee

Apparently, These Cops Are Fans of Lord of the Rings (The Mary Sue)Who Loves Cute Cuddly Kittens? Prisoners, Obviously. (Geekosystem)These Naughty Librarians Have the Tattoos to Prove It (Mental Floss)A Bunny Cafe? I'm R...

Introducing the Slingshot Spider

[] (YouTube link)Jeff Cremer of the Tambopata Research Center in Peru (the folks who found the tower-building spiders) sends us this video of a peculiar spider doing something very strange. It'...


Get it? Loafers! You know, made of bread! Ha!Okay, I'll stop. But first, some details: these loaves were made by Josey, a baker in San Francisco. He makes a lot of special and unusual breads at his shop...

Stay-At-Home Mom Makes A Living Writing Bigfoot Porn

Virginia Wade is the pen name of a stay-at-home mom from Parker, Colorado who makes a really good living writing some rather peculiar Romance novels about that elusive ape-man Bigfoot.Okay, that was a nice way of saying...


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