Taking advantage of the icebox conditions in Ontario, redditor UnspeakableFilth froze blocks of colored water for four weeks straight to build this ice fort. It looks especially nice lit up at night.
Commenter ImpressiveDoggerel thought he'd do an end-run with all the puns so the comment thread wouldn't be spread out with so many puns.
You did an ice job! That was pretty cool! Now you have a place to chill out! Snow one thought you cold ever do it; they thought you didn't have a snowball's chance in hell! Now that you're finished with this flurry of activity, I think that freeze up a lot of time for you to do new projects! And remember it doesn't matter if you winter if you lose, it just matters that you had fun! Fort-unately you took pictures so this moment will be frozen in time forever! Cubetter believe you did a great job!
Didn't help much -it just forced other commenters to stretch a little for more puns. See 22 pictures of the fort and the building process at imgur. -via Boing Boing
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