An Optical Illusion Tourist Snapshot

This accidental optical illusion photo was taken at the Lotus Temple in New Delhi. Despite what you've been told, red-bearded purple leprechauns are not common in New Delhi. And that's not even what the illusion is! The guy in the picture stepped in to reddit to clarify.

Hello this is the tall person. The purple psychedelic leprechaun genie wizard. I am new to this site and these comments are funny as. I am 6'10 208cm and i live under a bridge and eat childrens skin for the record, thank you......however I recommend if anyone goes to lotus temple New Delhi use this illusion.

You have to admit that 6' 10" is pretty tall, but something else is going on here. Can you figure it out?

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Had the sun been behind him, casting his shadow forward, and the people below positioned so their shadows were in full view; or he was far enough forward (without ruining the illusion) so his shadow was not cut off.... 10 times better!
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