How Long Would You Survive After the Apocalypse?

A quiz by UsvsTh3m figures out how well you are prepared for the apocalypse. With just a little knowledge and hubris, I managed to live to the age of 105 (if the apocalypse happens soon). I don't think they take your current age into consideration. Gerard at the Presurfer lasted an entire six months, because he's a city boy. How long will you survive?

20 years. But I'm older, so I have a lot of pre-computer/smartphone knowledge, I was a girl scout, my family were avid campers, and I lived in the sticks for several years. My age will physically limit me, but my knowledge will help pull me through, plus I've got kids, which has got to be a major part of the will to survive.
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20 years as well. Some of the questions they left out (are you armed to the teeth?) were interesting. BTW where I live, moss grows on every side of the tree, and that question is bunk. I do have a compass on my watch strap, and I carry a Foretrex 401 around with me because....uh... I don't know why.
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Two weeks - You're basically one of the old couple in Where The Wind Blows.

Although to be fair, I'm not sure how knowing which side of a tree the moss grows on in the Northern Hemisphere will help me down here in Australia.

Also, from my extensive TV & movie viewing, I'm not sure that surviving the apocalypse is all it's cracked up to be.
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40 years "You'd probably end up as some sort of tribal god. We're sticking with you.
You're basically Kevin Costner in Waterworld."

Guess I should start working on the pee machine. Maybe Mio will help with that...
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I'm good for 10 years, then my warranty expires or something. Who are "Gloria Gaynor" and "Rick Grimes"? I think I interpreted some of the questions differently than they expected. For instance, they ask what I'd do if I see some looters: Fight them, Join them or Ignore them. I figure I'd ignore them. 'Live and let live, and don't give others a reason to hate you' is how I figure I will avoid injuries from groups of people with break-in tools. The next question asked about looters who attack me. Do I: fight, get hurt or run away. I figure running away is the thing to do. Looters have nothing to gain by attacking me, they want the contents of the 7-ll next to me. If I run from the desired resource, they'll concentrate on that.
Does the quiz give more points if I take an aggressive approach?

OK, no. I re-ran it, answering that I'd fight, and I am now down to only one year. I guess there are other factors that make me unable to break the decade.
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5 years. That's longer than I thought. But I doubt we'd last that long. We're in the middle of suburbia. I'm sure some crazy would come and gun us down for our supplies.
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They got the question about the moss wrong, I don't think they would survive very long in the wilderness.
Anyone that has spent any longer time in the forest actually looking at trees knows that where moth grows is seriously randomized. You need a quite large (and random) sample to spot the predominance of moss to grow on the north side. Don't ever try to use it for navigation.

Use your wristwatch and the sun instead.

But fun fact: There's a correlation between dogs uhm direction and north. Maybe you should bring a dog.
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